09/18/05 Chateau Ste Michelle 2004 Riesling 改名了!!

Varietal: Riesling
Vintage: 2004
Appellation: Columbia Valley, Washington, USA
WS: 85
Price: $5.98
Dealer: Food4Less
Content Info:
Acidity: 0.65 g/100 ml
pH 3.20
ResidualSugar 1.65 g/100 ml
Alcohol 12.0%
Background Story:
雷司令葡萄(Riesling)原產於德國,是德國最為高貴的葡萄品種,法國阿爾薩斯地區曾經被德國佔領,同時與德國的自然條件類似,雷司令也就成了這裡最重要的品種之一。現在,雖然雷司令在美國、澳大利亞、加拿大等國家均有種植,但是最為名貴的雷司令葡萄酒依然來自法國的阿爾薩斯和德國莫舍爾及萊茵河流域。 雷司令葡萄是非常耐寒的品種,她十分喜愛在有著漫長寒涼的秋冬季地方生長,適宜在寒冷的地區栽種,德國一些葡萄酒產區按照緯度來看,和中國東北地區相同,在如此高緯度地區,雷司令依然能夠很好地生長。這個地方的雷司令穫得了長時間緩慢成熟的最大恩惠,芳香、細膩,又保持了極高的自然酸度。雷司令葡萄酒就是把這種秋冬季涼爽裝入瓶中,等待別人在打開瓶塞的時候,去享受留存在瓶中的清涼。
(Cited from Chateau Ste Michelle official website)
Label Change: Starting with this 2004 bottling, the term “Johannisberg” will no longer be used as a part of the varietal name of our Riesling. In the United States, Riesling has often been called JohannisbergRiesling, after the German city of Johannisberg, which is famous for Riesling. The term has also been used as an indicator of an off-dry style of Riesling. However, it is not a true varietal designation and no longer considered an appropriate designation according to federal alcohol regulations. The style of our popular Riesling will remain the same.
Official Comment:
Fans of Chateau Ste. Michelle Riesling can count on our Columbia Valley Riesling to be an inviting, easy to drink, off-dry Riesling vintage after vintage. With the 2004 bottling, we took the word “Johannisberg” off the label, but rest assured that the wine style didn’t change. This Riesling consistently delivers classic Washington state Riesling characters of juicy peach, apricot, ripe pear and sweet citrus, with subtle slate and mineral notes. This is our every day Riesling that is versatile and simply a pleasure to drink.
WS Comment:
Light and tangy, modestly sweet, with refreshing apple and melon flavors.
Personal Comment:
Sight: Light gold color, somehow looks like soda drink without bubble.
Nose: A freshing lime and apple aromas.
Taste: Certain degree of sweetness and proper temperature makes this wine so tasteful that it can be apertif or dessert wine. A fabulous riesling as entrance level of german white wine. Buy it for celeberation or romatic dinner night!!
當初會買這款Riesling, 也是抱著多方嘗試的心情去添購這酒款, 但在許多中文的文章中並未找到有人有清楚的品評紀錄, 所以在買的時候也蠻提心吊膽的, 但品嚐結果卻令我感到很滿意, 最主要是Riesling不但可以單品, 在餐點的搭配上, 範圍也很廣範, 在冷藏之後, 我將它拿來與中東樣式的晚餐共舞, 因為主菜是以牛肉跟雞肉為主, 不但襯托出雞肉的甜, 並將烤牛肉條香味發揮的淋漓盡致, 晚餐之後, 我特意的留下大致上一杯的Riesling來好好的享用和分析.
從色澤上, 可以看到淡淡的金黃色, 心中正想著如果再加上一點點氣泡, 會讓我有喝維大力的聯想, 香味則是在開瓶之後, 便瀰漫在空氣之中, 但不是很誇張式的強烈, 那香氣可以說是持續不斷地蘋果與萊姆清香的混合體, 好比想像著將自己沉浸在一陣清爽的水果香味之中, 而那天然的香味卻一點也不令人感到太濃郁, 飲入口中之後那適度的甜份與少少的澀度, 會讓人不禁想要馬上再嚐一口.
在官方的說明中有提到新酒標的變動, 由於美國酒類的規範, 這款Riesling必需將Johannisberg的標示拿掉, 以因應確切的地理位置, 口感, 與品種的表達, 這更可以讓我們清楚的了解, 個人的口味喜好是什麼….
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