Saturday, October 29, 2005

10/29/05 Concha Y Toro 2004 Frontera 餐酒酒款評

Concha Y Toro 2004 Frontera
Varietal: Cabernet Sauvignon
Vintage: 2004
Appellation: Valle Central, Chile
Price: $ 3.21
Dealer: Food4Less

Content Info:
85% Cabernet Sauvigon and 15% Merlot
Alco Vol.: 13%

Background Story:
New Winery, it is hard to dig out more fantastic story from its hirstory.

Official Comment:
Sight: Ruby red.
Nose: Fruity, chocolate, red plumes and vanilla aromas.
Taste: Soft tannins, medium body, harmonic and with good aftertaste.
Food Pairing: Red meats and slightly fermented cheese.

Hugh Johnson ’04 Guide For The Winemaker:
"Mammoth but quality-minded operation, good value. Top wines: increasingly subtle Amelia Chard (Casablanca); rich chocolatey Marques de Casa Conacha Merlot (Rapel); inky Don Melchor Cab (Rapel); and silky Terrunyo Pinor Noir (Casablanca). Impressive Winemaker Lot on some markets. Copper Range, Trio, Explorer and Casillero Del Diablo (incl fine new Viognier)."

Personal Comment:
Sight: Light ruby. Legs are not tied, kind of watery.
Nose: Fruity, toasty, oaky and berry aromas.
Taste: A little bit dry but sweet afterall. Ripe with nice lingering. A medium body.
It seems like this wine has everyting built-in a little bit, but costs very low. For a table wine, I think it is a very good offer. However, some people might say this wine is not worthy and is the lowest notch in the Concha Y Toro family (following by Xplorado, Casillro del Diablo, and Marques de Casa Concha). In fact, I have whole series of this family. As I concern, this wine is well balanced and price talks. Therefore, it is worth to try.
這款酒原本打算來喝消遣的, 一邊編寫著之前酒評的標準一邊嚐這支酒, 並沒有想要認真地去品評它, 但很令我驚喜的是, 這支酒竟蠻對我的口感, 隨即很快地把這款酒的背景資料查上一查, 並看看其他人對這酒的評論, 結果卻大失所望, 有一個人甚至給與如此的評語:"I deemed CyT "plonk" but I was referring their 'Frontera' line of $5.99 liter-and-a-half bottles of Cab/Merlot, Chardonnay, etc". 這是一個plonk的酒款, 真是令我傷心啊!!好在Hugh Johnson對這釀酒者有著蠻好的評語, 總算能些些地彌補一下心中的傷痛. 以下便是我對這款酒的看法:
酒色迷人, 新鮮如紅寶石般的亮紅色, 這種色澤對我有很大的吸引力, 豐富的果香就如同它的色澤般地亮麗, 有種百花爭艷的迷人感受, 伴隨著莓果, 燻烤與橡木的香味, 就好像冬天裡的火鍋般, 什麼都有那麼一點的, 當然也可以說是過度加工的產品, 口感整體上稍稍的偏甜味, 但並未完全失去應該有的單寧甘澀度, 是一款物美價廉的餐酒, ...我好像拿來單品就是了...
Concha Y Toro還有一整系列的家族, 在卡本內.蘇維濃的部分, 除了Xplorado沒收集到之外, 其他的都各擁有一支, 真的蠻期待其他款式的品嚐, 我想一有時間就會拿她們來祭旗吧!!敬請期待!!

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