Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Woodbridge 2004 Mosel Riesling - Riesling 配薑母雞和臘肉

Woodbridge 2004 Mosel Riesling
Varietal: Riesling
Appellation: Lodi AVA (American Viticultural Area), California
WE: 84
Price: $3.99
Dealer: Ralphs

Content Info:
Residual Sugar: 2.5 g/100ml
Total Acidity: 0.74
Alcohol: 11.5% By Vol.
Final pH: 3.33
Blend: 100% Riesling

Background Story:
Woodbridge 它是羅伯蒙代維的副牌酒廠, 專為搶攻低價市場而誕生的酒廠, 今天要品嚐的是2004年 Woodbridge 的 Riesling, 該酒莊的 General Manager, Brad Alderson, 嘗試著在 Lodi AVA, Califonia 種植出古典的 Riesling, 在數度試驗之後, 決定將德國 Mosel 法定產區的 Riesling 移植到此, 在順利的栽植後, Brad 更期待著他的 Riesling 能夠蘊含著礦物般的特色, 使得這款 Riesling 有著豐富的層次, 而給于品嚐的愛酒人士們更多的享受.

Official Comment:
"Our 2004 Riesling displays the classic flavors of grapes grown on the picturesque terraced vineyards of Germany’s Mosel River Valley. The wine’s enticing citrus, apricot, mineral and orange blossom character is delicately laced with sweet spice and beeswax nuances. We love the charming, balanced flavors of this wine with appetizers, salads, cold cuts and other lighter fare. The light sweetness of the wine provides a tantalizing interplay with salty flavors, such as aged cheese, smoked meats and Pacific Rim dishes. For a perfect picnic, pack a basket with a chilled bottling of our Riesling, blue cheese, ripe pears, smoked trout and a crusty baguette." - Winemaker

WE Comment:
"Fruity and clean with flowery. Peach and apple flavors, and good acidity."

Personal Comment:
Sight: Shining light golden color without tears.
Nose: Citrus, mineral, and fresh berry aromas.
Taste: Sweet, light spicy, and low acidity. Provide certain degree of crisp flavor. A medium-bodied white wine. Worth to buy more as daily aperitif. Cheers….
閃亮的亮金黃色酒液, 好像灌了水的維大力喔!! 少許的泡泡慢慢地從杯底浮出液面, 在冬日陽光軟軟地照耀之下, 給于人有如深處在熱帶水域裡浮淺般愉悅, 讓我深深地愛上欣賞 Riesling 的酒液, 酒的氣味交雜著柑橘類的熱帶水果風味, 與淡淡的礦物氣味, 還攜帶著清晰的莓果香, 此款酒是中度酒體的白葡萄酒, 飲在口中有著香甜的口感, 少許的酸度和辣味增添了不少的層次與深度, 帶來甘爽不甜膩的餘韻, 我想這款酒若在餘韻上的時間再加長一點, 應該可以擠身九十分的酒款行列, 結論是值得一買再買的餐前開胃酒, 又或是單獨品飲也不錯.
今晚我拿這款酒來配薑母雞和臘肉開胃菜, 猜猜看結果如何呢?

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