Friday, November 25, 2005

德國來的 Riesling - Schmitt Sohne 2004 Blue Riesling

Schmitt Sohne 2004 Blue Riesling
Varietal: Riesling
Appellation: Mosel-Saar-Ruwer, Germany
Price: $5.99
Dealer: Ralphs
Food Paring:
Pork, ham, fish or poultry.

Content Info:
8.5% ~ 9% Alco. by Vol.
Acidity: 7.5 - 8.6 gr./L
Residual Sugar: 34 - 38 gr./L

Background story:
These wines originate from the wine-growing area Mosel-Saar-Ruwer and grow in the "Mosel-typical" slate-soil, which provides a unique benefit: it stores the heat of the sun during day time and gives it back to the vines at night and by doing this stimulates growth in a natural way.
A desirable balance of sweetness and acidity, this Riesling has pronounced flavor characteristics and an elegance which has endeared it to wine lovers all over the world.
酒莊的網頁裡提及到這酒莊所採用的 Riesling, 在德國經典的葡萄種裡, 有著葡萄皇后的美譽, Riesling 的體積偏小, 屬於中小型的葡萄種類, 並在成熟的時間上要比Silvaner 或是 Müller-Thurgau 的葡萄種還要來得晚, 而由於這晚來的成熟給予了 Riesling 更豐富的甜度與酸度.

Officical Comment:
"This medium bodied Riesling has peach and russet apple aromas, a firm and fruity palate, and crisp acidity that results in a well balanced, easy to drink wine. Is perfect as an aperitif or to complement a wide array of foods from pork and ham to fish and poultry." - Schmitt Winery.
Company Website:
Schmitt Sohne

Personal Comment:
Sight: Light golden yellow.
Nose: Mineral, fruity, and cider aromas consistently.
Taste: Light toasty, fresh, low accidity. Baked bread flavour. Crisp. Very low alcohol as medium bodied Riesling. Good to accompany with turkey meal in Thanksgiving Day.
這瓶 Riesling 起初在買的時後, 並沒有給予太多的期待, 在飲用過後, 確體驗到德國 Riesling 的精采動人處, 不論是我或是一起品嚐的朋友都是不斷的續杯., 來讚美它的
入眼是一般 Riesling 的淡淡金黃色, 起初近近地聞還不大能夠嗅到清楚的香味, 經過一段時間的培養, 酒杯可是陣陣地飄出清新但不濃郁的礦物味, 蘋果汁, 及水果般的香味, 有種如沐春風的感受, 而這樣的描述並絕不誇大, 在酒含入口中之後, 先是輕輕的薰烤香味, 然後才是烤麵包的氣味, 酒液本身帶著不強烈的酸度, 並給予爽甘的後續效應, 是一款輕到中度酒體的酒款, 後來並搭配著火雞大餐一起享用, 似乎並沒有單品來的效果好, 將來有機會會在多買幾瓶回來飲用, 在夏日裡當清涼解暑的酒來喝.

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