Tuesday, November 22, 2005

風華已逝, 餘韻猶存的 Chenin Blanc - Milat Vineyards 2004 Chenin Blanc

Milat Vineyards 2004 Chenin Blanc
Varietal: Chenin Blanc
Appellation: Milat Vineyards, st. Helena, Napa Valley, California
Price: $18
Dealer: Milat Vineyards
Food Pairing: Serve chilled, pre-meal or with light and/or spicy food.

Content Info:
1.6% Residual Sugar.
12.5% Alcohol.

Background Story:
This varietal is most recognized as one of the two primary white wines of the Loire Valley in western France. We enjoy the bright, fruity flavors of this wine so much that we have produced it since our first vintage in 1986. We balance the naturally high acids with some residual sugar - it is our only non-dry wine. The higher acids and lower alcohol give the wine a crisp, refreshing taste, while the sugar brings out the floral aromas and provides a nice, ripe fruit feel.
為 何說風華已逝, 餘韻猶存? 早在’70及’80年代加州風行羅亞河兩個主流 White Wine 的品種之一 Chenin Blanc, 在那個年代, 整個加州有高達近乎45,000英畝在種植 Chenin Blanc, 而在2002重新調查加州葡萄種植品種的數據報告顯示, 僅只剩原本的三分之一, 約15,799英畝, 可想見任何一個非主流的葡萄品種, 很容易漸漸地被人們遺忘, 以至乎絕跡絕種. 之後我們再來深入地討論 Chenin Blanc 這個 Loire Valley 著名的品種.

Official Comment:
Bright, floral aromas with flavors of melon and pear.

Personal Comment:
Sight: Light yellow.
Nose: Fresh fruity with floral aromas.
Taste: Light alcohol with medium body. Off-dry and good lingering.
會在 Napa Valley 買起葡萄酒, 這款酒就是罪魁禍首, 那時不會喝酒的我, 在嚐了一口 Chenin Blanc 之後, 深深地被他那清新爽口的口感所吸引著, 有種入魔般地迷惑感, 也因此種下了開始飲用葡萄酒的液亂情迷史.
這 款酒還有一瓶庫存, 所以詳細的中文酒評將會在適當的時機, 再一一清楚地描述出來. 好像再把初戀那清澀的感受重新再呈現在自己的眼前, 真的很期待又困惑. 哈!! 還有照片也是將來再附上, 當然不是初戀情人啦!!她好像已成為某報社的記者的樣子. 痛... >_*

飲葡萄酒的歷史, 又翻開新的一頁...


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