Monday, April 28, 2008

Blackstone California Zinfandel 2006 And 7 Deadly Zins Michael David Zinfandel 2006 - 黑鑽酒莊與7 Deadly Zins 2006年的金芬黛

Blackstone California Zinfandel 2006
Varietal: Zinfandel
Appellation: California
Price: $ 9.99
Dealer: StaterBrother

Background Info:
在加州的許多超市裡, 黑鑽酒莊的酒款往往是易尋易飲的選擇之ㄧ, 可以說是平價又平易近人的酒莊, 之前曾在 Kelly 家喝過幾次, 但往往喝過既忘, 這次可說是一個好機會讓我好好地認識這個酒莊.

Personal Comment:
Sight: Light red to brown color.
Nose: Close. Not too much of aroma comes out since this bottle is just opened.
Taste: Well tannins and mid-length lingering. I would like to think of this wine as too young to drink. Everything is still under development. Just nice to try it once.
這款葡萄酒的顏色稍稍地呈現磚紅色, 或許是開瓶不久便開始飲用, 在香味上並沒有太多的表現, 但在口感方面則是包含著在口中停留稍許地柔潤之單寧, 應該是過於年輕便被飲用, 在金芬黛許多應該呈現出的風味並未完全地展現出來.

Michael David Zinfandel Lodi 7 Deadly Zins 2006
Varietal: Zinfandel
Appellation: Lodi, California
Price: $ 11.95
Dealer: NapaCabs

Background Info:

Official Comment:
"A vibrant, sweet bouquet of raspberry jam, molasses and cinnamon toast evoke the senses of carefree youthful nights. Excellent oak integration provides silken tannins and spice to pair with Lodi's unrestricted wild berry fruit. Lustful Flavors: A vibrant, sweet bouquet of raspberry jam, molasses and cinnamon toast evoke the senses of carefree youthful nights. Excellent oak integration provides silken tannins and spice to pair with Lodi's unrestricted wild berry fruit. Gluttonous Pairings: Our 7 Deadly pairs sinfully well with BBQ'd Salmon, prime rib or grilled veggies. Get crazy with delectable dark chocolate desserts!"

Personal Comment:
Sight: Average width of tears with light red almost to brown color.
Nose: Black currant with some scent of chocolate.
Taste: Fruity, high alcohol and acidity come out right away. However, the lack of tannins make the wine not properly balanced. For the price of Zinfandel, I would not recommend to buy more of this bottle. It is a table wine style of wine.

7 Deadly Zins


Wine Tastings: 7 Deadly Zins 2002
thewinestation: Blackstone Zinfandel 2002

飲葡萄酒的歷史, 又翻開新的一頁...

Friday, April 25, 2008

04/25/2008 Yearly wine dinner - 八款2006年加州 Zinfandel 矇瓶試酒餐會

期待已久的品酒餐會終於來到, 我依舊是葡萄酒的供應者, 而餐會菜色的設計則是由 Kelly 全全地來負責. Kelly 是在多次的餐會場合中, 由葡萄酒愛好者般的認識逐漸地轉變為有如一家人般的親近, 她曾是頂著家族餐廳裡大廚的頭銜, 所以由她來打理餐會菜色是再勝任也不過了, 雖說是一個小小的餐酒會, 但這次總人數竟也高達十七人, 所以在決定品嚐多種或單一品種的葡萄酒之間, 讓我稍稍地猶豫了一下, 心裡還記得這次春假從 Napa Valley 回來之後, 發覺對加州聞名的 Zinfandel 有著更近一步地喜好, 再加上我們都身在加州, 怎可放過大啖加州葡萄酒的好機會, 有鑑於此, 決定讓與會的每個人可以好好地認識加州 Zinfandel.

由於八瓶全是2006年的 Zinfandel, 它們的酒精含量都很接近 14.5%, 所以早已事先地提醒酒量不高的朋友們要有心理準備 - 多喝必醉, 由於全是同一年份的酒款, Kelly 便提醒道:"Blind Tasting", "好主意!!", 畢竟決定品嚐同一年份同一品種的順序還是蠻有難度, 與其如此, 到不如直接地蒙瓶試飲, 而甜點酒則依然是 Fonseca NV Bin 27 Port 撐大樑, 我對於這款波特酒總有著難以割捨的喜好, 希望它在今天也能夠有著不同凡響的表現.

Blackstone California Zinfandel 2006
Appellation: California
Price: $9.99
Dealer: StaterBrother

Fetzer Valley Oaks Zinfandel 2006
Appellation: California
Price: $9.99
Dealer: StaterBrother

Francis Coppola Zinfandel Dry Creek Valley 2006
Appellation: Sonoma County, California
Price: $19.95
Dealer: NapaCabs

Joel Gott Zinfandel 2006
Appellation: Lodi, California
Price: $12.95
Dealer: NapaCabs

Kendall-Jackson Zinfandel Vintner's Reserve California 2006
Appellation: Lodi, California
Price: $11.99
Dealer: StaterBrother

Michael David Zinfandel Lodi 7 Deadly Zins 2006
Appellation: Lodi, California
Price: $11.95
Dealer: NapaCabs

Rancho Zabaco Dancng Bull Zinfandel California 2005
Appellation: California
Price: $6.95
Dealer: StaterBrother

Ridge Sonoma County Three Valleys Zinfandel 2006
Appellation: Sonoma County, California
Price: $17.95
Dealer: NapaCabs

Various cheeses - Bottle #1
Onion soup - Bottle #2
Sea food pasta - Bottle #3
Italy sausages - Bottle #4, #5, and #6
Brownie - Coffee

這場餐會雖然持續了五小時多, 但我們仍難沒有將所有的 Zinfandel 品嚐完畢, 只好就手上所有的資料評比對有喝過的葡萄酒作一番比較, 我對葡萄酒號碼的優劣排名依次是 #3 > #4, #6 > #1 > #2 > #5, 在猜酒方面, 我只能猜中 #3: Ridge Sonoma Three Valleys Zindandel 2006, 其他的號碼則分別是
#1: 7 Deadly Zins 2006,
#2: Blackstone California Zinfandel 2006,
#4: Kendall-Jackson Zinfandel Vintner's Reserve California 2006,
#5: Francis Coppola Zinfandel Dry Creek Valley 2006, and
#6: Joel Gott Zinfandel 2006,
整體來說, Ridge 現在喝起來雖然已經夠順口但依然需要兩年左右的時間來成熟, 那樣子應該可以使酒的深度更加地豐富, 除了 Fancis Coppola 以外, 其他的 Zinfandel 都已經適合飲用, 至於 Fancis Coppola 未能如它的價位般地表現出應該要有的層次, 有點令我小小地失望, 在往後的幾篇裡我會將會對它們做更深入的品飲.

餐酒會總算是順利地完成, 其中私家偵探 David 帶給我們許多的 CSI 般的故事, 使得整個品酒會變得更加的活絡與刺激, 這還要拜 Alice 之賜, 由於她一次竟可以吃完六個不同口味的義大利香腸, David 便決定講出至少六個當年他當警探時的奇聞趣事, 有所謂"喝酒配故事, 越喝越有味." 最後也感謝大家的熱情地參予和幫助, 時間才會過的如此迅速, 五個多小時似乎還不夠大家快快樂樂地吃吃喝喝, 下次的品酒餐會可能要增加到七個小時才夠過足品酒的癮.

飲葡萄酒的歷史, 又翻開新的一頁...

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Sunday, November 05, 2006

Solaris Cabernet Sauvignon 2002 - Napa Valley 的優質低價葡萄酒

Solaris Cabernet Sauvignon 2002
Varietal: Cabernet Sauvignon
Appellation: Napa Valley, California
Price: $7.99
Dealer: Trader Joe’s

Background Info:
在參訪過幾個加州主要的產酒地, 以及品嚐百餘款葡萄酒之後, 漸漸地對葡萄酒產地的劃分和產區葡萄酒價位的訂定有了一定的認識, 舉例來說, 在這些產地裡 Napa Valley 便屬於黃金地段之一, 再加上 Napa Valley 該產區的種植成本以及個個酒莊們對釀酒品質的不斷追求, 往往一瓶 Napa Valley 的葡萄酒會比加州其他產區的葡萄酒基本價格來的較高, 因此我們要在該高價位產區裡找尋到優質並且價錢合理, 又或甚至價格便宜的 Napa Valley 所產的葡萄酒, 則總會嘗試著一些較為名不見經傳的小型以至於小小型的酒莊, Solaris 便是在這種前提下所搜尋到的酒莊, Solaris 在拉丁文原義為"太陽的", 酒莊本身似乎是隸屬於一個酒類集團的分支, 所以該網頁僅僅列出釀酒師對於葡萄酒的期待, 雖說這不是一家知名酒莊, 但就葡萄酒品質的追求方面, 總釀酒師可以說是將 Napa Valley 的 Terroir 盡情地在他們的葡萄酒裡展現出來, 換句話說, 便是許多知名酒莊著名酒款的影子都可以在 Solaris 釀製的葡萄酒裡中, 找到或多或少的影子, 這即是搜羅優質低價葡萄酒眾多選擇的一次成功的嘗試.
Reference website: Solaris Winery

Official Comment:
"This is solaris sleek, stylish and sensational Cabernet Sauvignon demands excellence from over thousand acres of sun-kissed acres of Napa vineyards. We craft this cabernet, bursting with powerful aromatics and varietal flavours for true wine lovers. Savor dark berry and black cherry with hints of sage and mint, lush and lingering savor solaris."

Other Comment:
The nose is cocoa dusted cherries, sage, sassafras and mint. Ripe black fruits with a shake of Rutherford dust in the mouth, long finish with lots of toasty oak. Terrific at this price point, and really appealing with colder weather blowing in. –

Personal Comment:
Sight: Shinning ruby red
Nose: Ripe, fruity, sort of multi-berries and vanilla aromas.
Taste: A mouth melting taste, smooth and medium-bodied cabernet sauvignon. When it comes to issue of the appellation from Napa Valley, Solaris does provide an amazing low price among Napa wineries. It is definitely worthy to buy more from this winery with such beautiful price.
酒液呈現年輕酒的新鮮亮紅色, 香味上呈現出成熟果香與莓果類的香味, 並且 Decant 一段時間之後, 更會有香草及荔枝的香味不斷地延展開來, 香氣方面有著不錯的層次, 隨即緩緩地將葡萄酒在口中來回地遊蕩, 有種說不出來的綿密細緻地感覺, 就好像在品嚐澳洲著名Shiraz的口感, 再加上適度的酒精搭配中度的酒體, 以及亮麗的價格, 可說是當仁不讓的物美價廉, 為我們在開拓葡萄酒新經驗的旅途中, 又增添一款令人回味的卡本內蘇維濃(Cabernet Sauvignon), 讓我們為它乾一杯!!

飲葡萄酒的歷史, 又翻開新的一頁...

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Francis Coppola Diamond Collection Black Label Claret Cabernet Sauvignon 2003 - Coppola 家族鑽石系列之黑標卡本內蘇維濃

Francis Coppola Diamond Collection Black Label Claret Cabernet Sauvignon 2003
Varietal: Cabernet Sauvignon
Appellation: Monterey, Paso Robles, El Dorado County, California
Price: $12.69
Dealer: Costco

Content Info:
13.7% Alco. By Vol.
88% Cabernet Sauvignon, 4% Merlot, 3% Malbec, 3% Cabernet Franc, 2% Petit Verdot
Total Acidity: .57
pH: 3.69
Barrel Regimen: 12–14 months in French oak
Released: January 2005

Background Info:
• Claret is a term originally coined by the British to describe Cabernet-based wines.
• The Cabernet sourced from El Dorado comes from vineyards at 1,000 feet above sea level, an altitude that exceeds the fog layer thereby exposing the grapes to continuous sunlight.
• The fruit is cold soaked to extract intense color and flavor prior to fermentation.
• Hand-harvesting ensures that only the highest quality fruit is picked.

Official Comment:
"The goal when making Claret is not only to showcase Cabernet Sauvignon and its Bordeaux blending partners, Merlot, Malbec, Cabernet Franc, and Petit Verdot, but also to demonstrate the diversity of California's many distinguished growing regions. These areas provide the warm days, cool evenings, and well draining soils that contribute to the wide array of expressive aromas and flavors found in this wine. The Black Label Claret reveals a deep garnet color and enticing aromas of dark chocolate, anise, and sweet spices. Rich, lively flavors of succulent blackberry, currant, and wild strawberry are wrapped in soft, smooth tannins." – Winery

Trying once it will be enough!!

飲葡萄酒的歷史, 又翻開新的一頁...

Thursday, October 05, 2006

Bonny Doon Frambois - 普受歡迎的覆盆子水果酒!!

Bonny Doon Frambois
Varietal: Raspberry
Appellation: California
Price: $10.39
Dealer: NapaCabs

Content Info:
17 % Alco. By Vol.

Background Info:
The wine authority can generally effect an air of dignity and earnest reverence in the presence of the subject of his or her ardor. But gathered in herds, wine geeks inevitably fall prey to the temptation to describe, and describe in such a fashion as to demonstrate the length of one’s thesaurus. Fortunately, we have Framboise, a potion so singular in its sensory frequency that we may leave our descriptor lists at home. This is all and simply about the raspberry and the ingenious ways we might integrate Framboise into our lives. Perhaps the thesaurus is not without utility, for with the continued increase in the percentage of the Morrison variety, we must find news ways of expressing what lies beyond lashings of raspberry, explosions of raspberry flavor, eruptions of raspberry zest, the quiddity of the essence raspberry, an extravasation of raspberry lava, etc. Or, simply pour a generous slosh over some flourless chocolate cake and know what it is to sit under a banyan tree and contemplate new found enlightenment.

Official Comment:
"Talk about a mouthful of raspberries! Delicious ripe fruit and plenty of it in this lightly sweet, rich fruit wine. Sensational stuff. 3,200 cases made."

Personal Comment:
Sight: Crimson red and marvelous amount of tears.
Nose: Haha…Raspberry, licorice, guava, and floral aromas.
Taste: Proper acidity and sweetness make the entire fruit wine vivid and effervescing expression. Medium-bodied fruit wine. I think I am going to buy it more.
這款飲料是 Raspberry 釀製而成的水果酒, 果香濃郁, 甜度適中, 在冰涼之後呈上餐桌極受大家的喜愛, 但若是要天天飲用它的價格則是稍嫌略高.

飲葡萄酒的歷史, 又翻開新的一頁...

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

BV Muscat De Beaulieu - Beaulieu Vineyard 的餐後甜酒

BV Muscat De Beaulieu
Varietal: Muscat
Appellation: Napa Dessert Wine, California
Price: $7.19
Dealer: WineLibrary

Content Info:
18% Alco. By Vol.

Background Info:
BV 全名為 Beaulieu Vineyard. 該名字的來由是這樣子的, 酒莊的創建人 Georges de Latour 為了給他的妻子 Fernande de Latour 一個驚喜, 便於1900年五月在加州 Napa Valley 的一個小鎮 Rutherford, 購置了4英畝的莊園, 女主人 Fernande de Latour 在看到這一片美麗的景色, 不自覺地用法文說出”Quel Bearlieu” – 美麗的地方, 因而決定了這家酒莊的名稱 – Beaulieu Vineyard(美麗的葡萄園), 就每年的總產量而言, 這家酒莊所生產的數量相當大, 往往在一些大型超市都可以見到 BV 的葡萄酒, 而在中高階 Napa Valley 葡萄酒的價位裡BV 的葡萄酒是屬於品質與價位相符且價格合理的一家葡萄酒莊.
參考網站: Beaulieu Vineyard

Official Comment:
"Full bodied and rich with wonderful apricot, dried figs and nut flavors. The wine is amazing for the price! Very balanced. This is a real "sleeper" from BV. Take advantage of it. Will cellar very well for 5-8 years."

Personal Comment:
Sight: Golden amber color. Sticky.
Nose: Sweet resort of honey, flower, taffy, and fresh perfume aromas.
Taste: Besides typical Muscat’s flavors, it also provides silky, and slight acidity. This is a fabulous full-bodied dessert wine. Possibly ice wine lovers can also get along with this dessert wine very well.
琥珀色澤般的金黃, 帶著有如蜂蜜濃稠般地的酒淚, 在酒香中伴隨著蜂蜜的香甜, 並有著太妃糖香味, 與清新的花香, 入口則呈現了絲綢般的細膩, 更因有著適當的酸度, 使得整體的表現更加有層次而不過度濃郁, 相信喜歡喝冰酒的人也會喜歡這瓶 Muscat de Beaulieu. 好喝易飲, 值得放幾瓶在冰箱裡好好享用. Cheers!!

飲葡萄酒的歷史, 又翻開新的一頁...

Monday, August 07, 2006

Damilano Barolo 2001 - WS 2005年排名第60的 Damilano 巴羅洛 2001

Damilano 2001 Barolo
Varietal: Nebbiolo
Appellation: Langhe, Piedmont, Italy
WS: 92
Price: $29.95
Dealer: LA Wine Company

# 60 WS Top 100 of 2005

Content Info:
14 % Alco. By Vol.

Background Info:
“巴羅洛”(Barolo) 是目前在義大利北部 Piedmont 省區的葡萄酒 King, 與另一個代表”巴貝瑞斯可”(Barbaresco) 葡萄酒 Queen, 一起為 Piedmont 省國際知名的兩大葡萄酒代表, 對於 Barolo 的初步認識, 我們可以根據 cheveu 在五四三音樂站的文章”瓊漿玉液”提到: ”義大利全省20個地區皆有產酒, 其中紅酒的產量大於白酒, 也較為世人所熟悉。 西北山區的皮耶蒙堤和中部的托斯卡納是最著名的葡萄酒產區, 其中前者以 Nebbiolo 葡萄為底的 Barolo 和 Barbaresco 酒最為著名, 而後者則以 Sangiovese 葡萄釀製的 Chianti 酒最廣為人知 (還記得以前底部用乾草包著的可愛大肚瓶嗎?) 同樣產於托斯卡納的 Brunello di Montalcino 與 Vino Nobile di Montepulciano 也是位列 D.O.C.G 級的好酒。” 以及 Jason Liu 劉永智先生在大同亞瑟頓的文章”1997 Barolo Tasting Notes”解說著: ”Barolo 與 Barbaresco 產區的「新潮與古典學派之爭」(Barolo War)。 一般來說,古典的 Barolo(traditionalists) 需要經過老舊的 Slovenia 大型橡木桶陳年四到五年之久, 並且在裝瓶之後還須等上一二十年以上才開始適飲, 而新潮派(modernists) 開始使用高級的法國小型橡木桶,大大縮短了葡萄酒的熟成期, 使大家能夠更快地享用 Barolo。 然而,古典學派認為這樣的Barolo不是真正的Barolo, 他們認為真正Barolo的珍貴處在於它獨特的香氣: 如松露、 皮革、 林下地系氣味、 香料味等等, 而不是像 Cabernet-Sauvignon 完全以新鮮的果香作驅動, 而古典的香氣則需要酒液在大型舊橡木桶待上四、五年才得以竟其功。 然而像Marc de Grazia這樣的現代主義者則認為 Nebbiolo 的香氣發展曲線很類似 Bourgogne 的 Pinot Noir, 年輕時以新鮮果香見長, 等Nebbiolo成熟之後, 其實新潮派的 Barolo 也會發展出類似古典學派的老酒香氣, 甚至更好, 那麼, 何必剝奪 Nebbiolo 年輕時的可愛果香面貌呢? 他認為古典學派的做法只是妥協了清新的果香, 除此之外, 傳統以及古典並不比較偉大!” 相信在這兩段文章中的清楚介紹之下, 大家大致上對於 Barolo 以及 Barbaresco 有一個基本認知.

Official Comment:
Lack of Data.

WS Comment:
"Intense aromas of plums, mushroom and cedar follow through to a full-bodied palate, with big velvety tannins and an ultrarich aftertaste. Blockbuster and excellent value. Best after 2008. 4,100 cases made."

Other Comments:
“The grapes for Damilano's Barolo come from rented or supervised vineyards in various areas of Barolo country. In 2001, as in most vintages, the quality of this Barolo matches that of the estate's two single-vineyard Barolos, Liste and Cannubi, which come from the family-owned 11 acres of Nebbiolo vines in the Cannubi, Liste and Fossati vineyards, all in the commune of Barolo. 4,100 cases made.” -

“Speaking of which, the 2001 Damilano Barolo is amazing.
Eyes: lucid ruby tapering to sunburst orange at the edge.
Nose: a wafting and sensuously layered nose full of chocolate, cherry, and tobacco (and mushrooms???). Simply amazing. Not overpowering. Not a jammy or dense new world fruit wine. But an elegant sensuality that embraces my nose and wraps it with exquisite gentleness and character.
Palate: A soft and perfectly balanced structure that is velvet and strength merged as one. There is a "pine-tree" softness flavor that co-mingles with the chocolate and cherry while the tobacco touches my tongue and the other (I think it is mushroom - shitaki?) teases. What an amazing sensation.
Finish: Perfect. It stays and tapers in a symphonic decrescendo to a glowing flavor silence.” - The Wine Cask Blog

Several Damilano Barolo 2001 Tasting Notes

Personal Comment:
Sight: Old wine style red. In the other words, it looks like half-way dark but transparent garnet red (moderate translucent garnet). Rim appears to be orange color with very thin and tight tears which seems very sticky.
Nose: Cherry, plum and alcohol aromas at the beginning. Then it develops flavors of caramel, chocolate, perfume peach, and floral. This Barolo delivers several level of scents generated along the time going by. Some of them are very intense such as plum and chocolate, and rests are pretty subtle.
Taste: Nice acidity, crisp, alcohol, and full-bodied red wine. After 1 to 2 hours of being decanted, it turns out to be powerful tannins and long lingering. Indeed, it needs to be decanted. Therefore, this Barolo is still pretty young to drink it which I agree with WS maturity expectation. It is worth to buy more and stock them into the cellar for later celebration. Cheers…
Since the first impression of Barolo was so fantastic, I can’t wait to taste more Barolo in the very soon future. Also, recently I find its price can be as low as 22.99 dollar per bottle. According to this price level, it definitely can get higher score than 92 of Wine Spectator.
先以一段 Nectar Corner 在”1997 義大利酒品酒會”的一句話作開頭: “會中H教授提到 Nebbiolo 這種葡萄雖然釀出來的酒顏色不深, 但是香氣不錯, 而且又有陳年空間。” 就這一瓶 Barolo 來說, 對於 Nebbiolo 的顏色描述, 可說是非常地道地, 因為它的顏色並不像 Cabernet Sauvignon 般地寶石紅深紅色澤, 用咖啡的顏色來形容它則顯得有些過於棕黃, 所以只好用半透明的番石榴色來表達這樣的色澤, 有種陳年老酒的顏色氣勢, 酒淚則是緊密狹窄, 展現出酒精濃厚的表現.
在香味的呈現, 明顯地有許多的層次, 先是櫻桃, 李子, 甘油的氣味在前領軍, 之後便是焦糖與巧克力的香味伴隨在後, 經過一段時間的醒酒之後, 還有那玫瑰花香與新鮮水蜜桃令人垂涎欲滴的水果香, 真可說是香味不斷.
最後談到它的口感, 在酸度, 澀度, 以及酒精的三位一體之均衡結構表現之下, 這款重度酒體的 Barolo 有著緊密細緻的單寧, 與為時甚久的回甘, 可說是結合年輕酒的果香與老酒的醇厚, 在價格只有美金22.99元的 Barolo, 對我來說可真是物超所值的選酒目標, 在某一方面而言, 似乎 Wine Spectator 給這 Damilano 2001 Barolo 92分應該還稍嫌過低.

飲葡萄酒的歷史, 又翻開新的一頁...

Friday, August 04, 2006

La Sirene De Giscours Margaux 2000 - Margaux 產區葡萄酒的首次品嚐

La Sirene De Giscours Margaux 2000
Varietal: Unknown
Appellation: Margaux
WS: 90
Price: $25.99
Dealer: WineLibrary

Content Info:
13 % Alco. By Vol.

Background Info:
La Sirene De Giscours Margaux 是 Chateaux Giscours 的二軍酒, 在該酒莊的網頁介紹裡有第一軍酒的詳細成份介紹, 至於二軍酒可能是混合該酒莊旗下衆多葡萄園的集合體, 讓我第一次品嚐 Margaux 產地的葡萄酒款小小地失望了下, 但失望歸失望, 細細地品味與分析 Margaux 的葡萄酒則是一點都不可馬忽, 畢竟它還是 Margaux 某一明酒莊的產品.

Official Comment:
Lack of Data

WS Comment:
"Vivid aromas of currants and flowers follow through to a full-bodied palate, with well-integrated, fine tannins and a long finish. Sleek wine. Second wine of Giscours. Very well-done. Best after 2006. 9,165 cases made. (JS)"

Personal Comment:
Sight: Rusty red and light brown rim. Tears come out to be thin and tight.
Nose: Bouquet of jammy black currants, ripe fruit, saddle leather, and pine nuts.
Taste: Well balance between acidity, alcohol, and tannins. Smooth, mid-bodied wine. However, there exists some heavy scents that I resist to drink it more. Therefore, I would not recommend this wine but nothing lose to try it.
為招待朋友與朋友的妻子的到來, 欣喜之餘, 特地在16, 17度的冷藏倉庫裡隨意地設下品味葡萄酒的場地, 這一罐是在第二順位被開瓶享用 (Riesling -> Margaux -> Barolo -> Desert Wine), 在酒體強弱的分配上, 雖說漸漸能夠掌握葡萄酒上臺表演的順序, 但想要一次便把多種的葡萄酒風味在台面上極力呈現, 要三個平日喝不多的人喝完四瓶真的是很勉強, 所以在客人走後我可是留下許多的doggy bags 給自己帶回家.
葡萄酒入杯, 酒的顏色近似乎生鏽般的深紅棕色色澤, 在杯緣更是如此, 輕輕晃動紅酒杯身, 一聞, 便是清悉的乾松子香味入鼻, 並伴隨著黑醋栗與皮革的味道, 在眾多香味之下, 還夾雜著成熟水果的沉重味道, 一飲, 平順滑口, 在酸度, 酒精, 與單寧的均衡表現下, 應該說是一款不錯的紅酒, 只可惜那隱隱約約揮之不去的沉重味道, 小小地破壞了這款葡萄酒的整體美感, 總而言之, 就在一起不斷努力地去嘗試各式各樣的葡萄酒, 一定會有令人感動 Marguax 出現.

飲葡萄酒的歷史, 又翻開新的一頁...

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Rodulf Muller Bernkasteler Kurfurstlay Kabinett 2004 - 再來一款雷絲琳

Rodulf Muller Bernkasteler Kurfurstlay Kabinett 2004
中文品名: 勃卡斯特爾-雷絲琳-卡比內甜白酒
Varietal: Riesling
Appellation: Mosel, Mosel-Saar-Ruwer, Germany
Price: $10.8
Dealer: 酒瓶子(WineLover)
Importer: 星坊

Content Info:
7.5 % Alco. By Vol.

Background Info:
Rudolf Muller 或許不是什麼知名的大酒廠, 但就瓶身的設計而言, 卻很符合 Riesling 給人清新爽口的印象, 真的是只有透過適當的包裝才能適時地表現出一定的風味.

Official Comment:
Lack of Data

Personal Comment:
Sight: Golden yellow almost light brown color.
Nose: Mineral, thin gasoline scent, ripen fruit and light floral aromas.
Taste: Slightly viscous, off-dry and proper acidity make this Riesling easy to drink and welcomed. As a company for the burning hot summer, this white is definitely pretty handy. Besides, price is also very frugal for our daily drinking basis at least in the states. Raise a glass for more!!
這是一瓶不錯的德國 Riesling 入門級酒款, 順口易飲, 價格就日常葡萄酒的飲用來說, 也是非常的合理, 在這炎炎夏日的夜晚裡, 很容易讓人一口接著一口地喝入喉中.
倒入杯中的酒液呈現出有如黃澄澄地金磚般的亮黃, 探一口香味, 礦物, 淡淡地汽油味, 以及絲絲的花香與成熟水果的風味, 緩緩地飄入鼻中而不濃郁, 在適當的酸度和甜度的陪襯之下, 不會讓人很興奮但也決不會人失望, 飲一口之後, 再看一眼杯內的酒液, 在手中的搖晃之下, 似乎更加的黏稠與香醇.

飲葡萄酒的歷史, 又翻開新的一頁...

Thursday, July 20, 2006

Chateau St. Michelle Eroica Riesling 2004 - 天氣熱了, 來杯冰涼涼的Riesling真是不錯的享受!!

Chateau St. Michelle Eroica Riesling 2004
Varietal: Riesling
Appellation: Columbia Valley, Washington
WA: 91
WS: 89
Price: $18.99
Dealer: Winelibrary

Content Info:
Lack of Data

Background Story:
這款 Eroica 在去年剛買時, 便想跟另一款 Dr.Loosen 在德國釀製的Dr Loosen Erdener Treppchen Kabinett 2004 一同作比較, 無奈怎知朋友們一來, 哄著一團便將 Eroica 先宰殺來喝, 眾人在看過酒名取的如此令人暇想之下, 更有著許多的期待.

Official Comment:
"Could Eroica be the beginning of the Riesling Renaissance many wine lovers believe is long overdue? Named after Beethoven's masterpiece, the winemaking partnership between famed Mosel winemaker Ernst Loosen and Chateau Ste. Michelle enjoyed a standing ovation at the August 2000 debut of the 1999 vintage. The partnership is dedicated to exploring a wide range of Riesling styles with grapes from the Columbia Valley. The estate of Dr. Loosen owns some of the most renowned sites on the Mosel in Wehlen, Urzig and Erden and is acclaimed as one of Germany's most consistent quality producers across a range of styles, from dry to sweet." –Winery

WA Comment:
"The 2004 Riesling Eroica, a wine made in partnership with Germany’s Dr. Ernst Loosen, continues this wine’s tradition of quality, fair pricing and stellar commercial success (23,000 cases were produced and they had to be allocated!). Its lovely aromas display white flowers, spices, and linden. On the palate, this light to medium-bodied effort reveals superb focus in its pure, harmonious personality. Spices, minerals, linden, and chamomile make up this seamless wine’s character. Drink it over the next 8 years"

WS Comment:
"…elegant and refined, less sweet, more minerally, but is not quite as dramatic as previous vintages, which rated a point or two higher."

Personal Comment:
Sight: Medium golden yellow. Few bubbles settle in the bottom of the cup.
Nose: Mineral, apple soda, and citrus fruit aromas.
Taste: Medium sweet, light crisp, but slightly watery. Oaky and between low to barely little acidity bring up the tasting flavors. It is a little bit pricy when comparing with similar style of German Riesling Kabinett.
初次看這款Riesling的名稱時, 誤以為是Erotic(情色的), 而這似乎是許多飲葡萄酒同好所共有的第一印象, 至於 Eroica 是不是有那麼煽情, 到是因人而異. 其實 Eroica 的原意應是指”英雄”, 在貝多芬著名的第三號交響樂曲便是以 Eroica 為命名 - Beethoven: Symphony No.3 "Eroica".
初見杯中這 Eroica 的色澤呈現出近乎金屬銅的暗沉沉金黃色, 伴隨著孤伶伶的少許氣泡, 並不是非常的耀眼出色, 相見之下真不知道它是不是一位沉默的英雄, 如果是一位較為沉默的英雄, 再進一步謹慎的認識它就變得更重要了.
在葡萄酒香則是表現出, 從礦石到乾橘類水果的味道, 以至於汽泡蘋果汁的味道都能夠些微地散發出來, 此外微微的甜度, 以及少許的酸澀伴隨著橡木桶的香味, 在炎炎夏日裡冰涼涼的飲用, 說不盡的清爽適意, 唯一的美中不足便是與同類型的德國 Riesling Kabinett 相比較之下, Eroica 的價格則是顯得有點高.

飲葡萄酒的歷史, 又翻開新的一頁...

Sunday, March 26, 2006

Hogue Cellars Fume Blanc 2004 - Sauvignon Blanc 的親戚

Hogue Cellars Fume Blanc 2004
Varietal: Sauvignon + Semillon
Appellation: Columbia Valley, Washington
Price: $6.99
Dealer: WineLibrary

Content Info:
78% Sauvignon Blanc, 22% Semillon
Acidity: 0.62
pH: 3.24
Residual Sugar: 0.21 g/100 ml
12.5 % Alco. By Vol.

Background Info:
Hogue Cellars has switched to screwcap seals following its four-year closures study, which found that screwcaps best preserve wine quality in the bottle, keep flavors freshest, eliminate the threat of cork taint, and ensure consistency of flavors. - Website” 有關旋蓋式瓶塞, 在新的 Olivier Humbrecht 文章裡”Natural Corks vs Other Seals” 有著清晰地實驗性討論, 其結論則是一句很讓酒鬼們認同的話, “It seems that there is only one good solution: open up the bottles before it's too late!” 這就是告訴我們有花堪折直需折, 沒待無花空折枝, 相同地也可以應用在各式各樣好的葡萄酒身上.

Official Comment:
“Making a consistently great Fumé Blanc (Sauvignon Blanc) requires paying keen attention to ripeness. Picking at optimal ripeness makes a wine that tastes like a recently ripened peach or guava fruit with refreshing acidity. Our 2004 Fumé Blanc has aromas of grapefruit, peach, guava, along with vanilla and a hint of smokiness. On the palate are varietal flavors of grapefruit, white peach and honeydew melon. The wine is crisp, smoky and round with moderate weight and richness contributed by the Semillon (22%) added to the blend. The winemakers suggest paring the Fumé Blanc with grilled shrimp or raw oysters on the half shell.” – Website

Personal Comment:
Sight: Amber color. Wide band tears.
Nose: Oaky, toasty, and citrus aromas.
Taste: Tropical flavors. Light alcohol smell. Medium-bodied white. Since Fumé Blanc has relationship with Sauvignon Blanc, this wine definitely provides lots of aromas for the Sauvignon Blanc lover.

飲葡萄酒的歷史, 又翻開新的一頁...

Friday, March 24, 2006

Georges Duboeuf Moulin-a-vent Domaine De La Tour Du Bief 2003 - 勃根地的好酒款

Duboeuf Moulin-a-vent Domaine De La Tour Du Bief 2003
Varietal: Gamay
Appellation: Cru Beaujolais, Burgundy, France
WA: 89-90
Price: $10.99
Dealer: WineLibrary

Content Info:
13 % Alco. By Vol.

Background Info:
一直想好好地品嘗一款Burgundy 的著名酒莊, 雖在不經意中開了這瓶來嘗試, 結果卻出乎我預料地好, 而且還是佳美的葡萄品種, 可說是絕佳的新體驗. 此外, 或許這是一般薄酒萊區域的酒標特色, 但這瓶瓶身的讓我有種頗為樸實的感覺, 真恨不得想把它的酒標好好地撕下來作紀念.

Official Comment:
“Reminiscent of a chunky Gevrey-Chambertin, the 2003 Moulin-a-Vent Domaine de la Tour de Bief displays leather, black cherry, and blackberry aromas. It reveals outstanding power, density of fruit, concentration, extraction, and a long, edge-free finish. While it lacks the harmony and sensuality of Duboeuf’s more sultry, generous 2003s, this wine has the potential to come together in the final stages of elevage and make my score look ridiculously conservative. Projected maturity: 2006-2010+.”

Personal Comment:
Sight: Ruby red in the center and dark copper color besides center. In the rim, it even appears as browning color. Regular tears.
Nose: Plum, vanilla, and licorice aromas.
Taste: Chewy, lively, extract, and mouth-filling. Long lingering. Full-bodied tannic red wine. It is also very well-balanced. Presumably I assume this wine that would be cellared for a nice period. Buy more for tasting.
到現在我還是不會將這個酒莊的全名清楚地唸出, “Moulin-a-vent Domaine De La Tour Du Bief” 不知有任何一位知道如何將全名說出的朋友高抬貴手, 留個 message 教導教導對 Burgundy 完全是新手的我.
接下來是我的品嘗記錄, 首先是酒液的顏色, 寶石紅於中央, 古銅色的液緣, 有點不怎麼吸引人, 探過鼻去, 味道中包含著松果, 香草, 與甘油的氣味, 透過在口中來回不斷地衝擊, 味蕾可以清楚的感到新鮮成熟地果味, 與酸味澀味在口中不住地往來徘徊, 那緊密的單寧更將爽甘的口感持續地加溫, 這款很是均衡的重度酒體讓品嘗的每一刻都精采萬分, 論到價格更是合理, 值得一買再買.

飲葡萄酒的歷史, 又翻開新的一頁...

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Korbel NV Sparkling Brut Rouge - 紅色的汽泡酒 Rouge

Korbel NV Sparkling Brut Rouge
Varietal: Pinot Noir + Cabernet Sauvignon
Appellation: Sonoma, California
Price: $12
Dealer: Korbel Winery

Content Info:
Acidity: 65 g/100ml
12.5 % Alco. By Vol.
Residual Sugar: < 1%

Background Info:
在上次 Russian River Wine Road 2006 barrel tasting 中, 在眾多的品嘗之後, 由朋友購買了這瓶 Korbel Rouge, 這瓶Korbel的Rouge是依照傳統香檳釀製法製作而成, 有別於一般香檳汽泡酒的顏色, 它呈現的是偏紅有如紅寶石色, 應該就是 Rouge 的特色吧!!

Official Comment:
“Korbel Rouge is a medium-dry champagne created from Pinot Noir and Cabernet Sauvignon grapes. With a distinctive red color, the aroma and flavor are those of intense black cherry, strawberry and plum. Approximately 1% residual sugar keeps it as dry as the Korbel Brut but removes any tannic bitter edge. It teams perfectly with hearty pastas, red meats and robust seafood dishes. It is excellent with a holiday turkey dinner.”

Other Comment:
“ - San Diego, CA
Trying new things and opening the girlfriend up to some new tastes, I got Zardetto after reading a few reviews and was very pleased. Will definitely buy again.”
“A Customer - Virginia
We tasted this at the Korbel winery about 15 years ago, and thought it was EXCELLENT. We looked for it in liquor stores around the USA , but have never found it again. It is Definately unique and worth a try! :-)”

Personal Comment:
Sight: Ruby red with tiny sparkling. However, the bubble won’t last long.
Nose: Cherry, black currant, and floral aromas. Thick, intense, and rich flavors.
Taste: Apple, Watermelon, alcohol, light dry taste that almost leans to sweetness. This is the wine, which attracts pretty much every ladies at the night, and it also has a very lovely aroma and off-dry flavor. It is definitely worth to buy more for the wine tasting event. Cheers….
帶著紅色氣泡的 Rouge, 使得整體的呈現變得有些詭異, 有別於一般的汽泡酒, 香味中攜帶著多種樣式的風味, 像是櫻桃, 黑加崙, 以及花香味, 濃郁且緊密與豐富, 在輕嚐一口之後, 蘋果和香瓜的味道, 隨著酒精一同在味蕾上游移著, 酸澀中帶點絲絲的甜味, 深深地受到在場所有女人的歡迎, 值得多加品嘗.

飲葡萄酒的歷史, 又翻開新的一頁...

Monday, March 20, 2006

the Little Penguin South Eastern Australia Cabernet Sauvignon 2004 - 企鵝酒

the Little Penguin South Eastern Australia Cabernet Sauvignon 2004
Varietal: Cabernet Sauvignon
Appellation: South Eastern Australia
WS: 85
Price: $5.99
Dealer: Ralphs

Content Info:
13 % Alco. By Vol.

Background Info:
小企鵝的葡萄酒似乎有著主打年輕人市場的取向, 在它的官方網站裡可以看到許許多多的 party 照片貼在網頁的 photo gallery 裡, 或許這是我所看過最多年輕人熱情品嚐葡萄酒的酒莊網頁, 看來葡萄酒也可以像啤酒一般地在年輕人的聚會裡普遍地被飲用

Official Comment:
"Turn your burrow lights down low and pop a bottle of this big juicy red with 60 or 70 of your closest friends. Penguin heaven." - the Little Penguin

WS Comment:
"Lithe and light on its feet, with ripe currant and cherry fruit, polished texture and easy-drinking style. Drink now. 115,000 cases imported."

Other Comment:
The biggest Little Penguin wine has an awesome ruby red color and the scent of fresh berries. The palate jumps with sweet Australian Cabernet fruit and soft background tannins and a great taste that lingers. An age–worthy Cabernet that drinks beautifully now. Ideal with grilled meats, poultry, hard cheeses and pasta.

Personal Comment:
Sight: Dark red with loose tears.
Nose: Fruity and black berry aromas.
Taste: Medium dry and litchi flavor. It is kind of soft (smooth) at the end without enough tannins and lingering. Easy to drink. I prefer it as a table wine but slightly higher price for the table wine.
這是一款年輕易飲的卡本內. 蘇維濃, 整體而言, 非常地平順好喝, 說不上有與眾不同的特色, 但也沒有太大的瑕疵, 做為餐桌酒再適合也不過了.

飲葡萄酒的歷史, 又翻開新的一頁...

Saturday, March 18, 2006

J. Lohr 7 Oaks Paso Robles Cabernet Sauvignon 2002 - 小小地意外驚喜

J. Lohr 7 Oaks Paso Robles Cabernet Sauvignon 2002
Varietal: Cabernet Sauvignon
Appellation: Paso Robles, California
WS: 85
WE: 88
Price: $9.99
Dealer: Costco

Content Info:
78.6% Cabernet Sauvignon, 7.0% Petite Sirah, 4.1% Merlot, 2.6% Petite Verdot, 2.5% Syrah, 1.7% Zinfandel, 1.4% Alicante Bouchet and 1.9% other red varietals
Acidity: 0.65 g/100 ml
pH: 3.75
13.5 % Alco. By Vol.
14 to 16 months aging in combination American and French oak

Background Info:
一查閱官方網站的成分資料才發現, 這款 Cabernet Sauvignon 可真是混合了各式各樣的葡萄品種, 很難想像釀酒師在調製的過程中, 可以清楚地分辨出加入如何的比例, 可使得整體的葡萄酒呈現何種風味, 這一定是一項浩大的工程, 平凡如我還沒也那個能耐去一一分辨出, 何種品種可以散發出何種口感與芬芳, 為此絕對值得多品嚐他幾口.

Official Comment:
"The wine exhibits a youthful complexion of dark ruby colors with red and purple hues, and has a vibrant, dark cherry aroma with hints of raspberry, forming a base for other characters of cocoa, tar and vanilla. The wine has a full structure and a lingering finish. This cabernet is suitable with all game and red meats, as well as tomato-based dishes." - Winemaker

WS Comment:
"Blackberry, plum and espresso flavors are tangy, with a hint of floral sweetness, with firm tannins and cedary oak lingering on an earthy finish. Drink now through 2008. 200,000 cases made. Score: 85. October 15, 2004"

Personal Comment:
Sight: Purple inky red. Its tears appear to be very sticky.
Nose: Herbal, licorice, plum, multi-berries, chocolate, and vanilla aromas.
Taste: Litchi, dry, and tannic flavors. And sweet taste reveals implicitly. A heavy-bodied red wine. Indeed, it is just like WS comment described: “an earthy finish”. With this price, I consider this bottle of Cabernet Sauvignon as the best buy no matter for a table wine or for wine tasting.
說實在的, 想要大大地讚美這瓶卡本內.蘇維濃, 卻又怕有點過度膨脹之嫌, 所以決定清楚地交代品飲的來龍去脈, 再由各位去決定它的好壞.
當我在剛開瓶的時候, 輕輕地去嗅了一下酒的味道, 竟是一股清晰濃郁的青草味, 在我的感覺上似乎有點兒排斥這樣的味道, 但再讓酒杯中的酒液呼吸過後沒多久, 那股青草味不但消失了, 取而代之的是令人舒適的松果李子味, 緊接著是各種層次的香味, 像是甘油, 莓果, 香草, 巧克力, 通通都來報到了, 我想這一切應該拜這位釀酒師之賜, 將各種風格的品種混合調製在這一瓶紅酒中.
再來是飲入口中的感受, 由於望梅止渴的效應, 在之前多種層次的香味已經將這瓶酒進一步地 upgrade 了, 喝起來的口感也跟著不錯起來, 荔枝香, 適度的澀度, 以及細膩的單寧, 將整個酒體品質好的部分往後往上延伸, 就連餘韻也有著不錯的表現, 香醇順口, 我想這應該就是一種驚喜吧!!

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Thursday, March 16, 2006

Mad Dogs & Englishmen Shiraz Cabernet Monastrell 2004 - 瘋狗與英國人

Mad Dogs & Englishmen Shiraz Cabernet Monastrell 2004
Varietal: Cabernet, Shiraz, Monastrell
Appellation: Jumilla, Southern Spain
Price: $6.59
Dealer: Costco

Content Info:
20% Shiraz + 20% Cabernet Sauvignon, + 60% Monastrell
14% Alco. By Vol.

Background Info:
這款酒有著一種名為 Monastrell 的葡萄品種我尚未嘗試過, 在 Decanter 的網站上並沒有詳細地列出這樣的品種, 所以對我而言該品種的認識便屬於一種嘗試性的階段, Monastrell 生長在南法與西班牙的邊境之間, 由於2003年的西班牙的 Jumilla 有著有紀錄以來的最高溫, Monastrell 便擁有著極高的成熟度, 採收日期也因此提前了15天.
此外我再尋找酒瓶標籤的時候, 意外地發現了 Mad Dogs & Englishmen 竟原本是一個早年樂團的名稱, 然後在間接地被這個酒廠採用其名稱, 而這個樂團則是給人很 Macho-Man 的感覺, 就好比這款酒開頭那股強勁有力的澀度, 非常地 Macho.

Official Comment:
"Jumilla is an exciting new wine-making area in Spain. This wine is made from a combination of the most widely planted local grape variety called Monastrell (60%); barrel aged Cabernet Sauvignon (20%) and Shiraz (20%). Monastrell is a sexy grape that originated in the South of France but has flourished in this region of Spain, South East of Madrid, due to the warm weather that fosters the late ripening period of this particular varietal. 2003 was hot as hell in Jumilla, the hottest on record in fact. The harvest was moved up by 15 days to accommodate for the weather, also breaking records. The result is a wonderfully ripe, high quality wine that proudly represents this emerging growing area in Spain. The Monastrell grape brings raspberry, loganberry and mulberry flavors to the palate while the Shiraz carries white pepper notes. The Cabernet provides the backbone to the wine with a soft, round mouth feel and a sweet mid-palate."

“Ruby red with purple flashes, the wine displays plums, blackberries, and ripe raspberries on the nose. Soft tannins enhance the round flavors of juicy plum, berries and cherries. It has balanced acidity and a long, ripe finish.”

Personal Comment:
Sight: Ruby red. Tight tears.
Nose: Grass, bread, chocolate, and plummy aromas.
Taste: Licorice, and tangy alcohol full-bodied red. It starts out with bit strong dry, and then it turns light sweet taste. Lots of tannins. Long finish. I think I recently drink too much German Riesling that leans to sweet favor and taste instead of dry and tannic. Overall it definitely worth to have one bottle of Spain table wine. Cheers…
An outstanding blending local varietal names Monastrell. It implements the newly difference toward the international flavor. A superb from the southern Spain.
紅寶石般地紅色葡萄酒液, 細長而狹窄的酒淚, 給人直覺地感到酒精濃度地濃烈, 酒香味中散發著青草, 麵包 巧克力以及梅子風味, 在紅酒中就是這種梅子的香味, 總讓我有著強烈地想要一飲而盡的衝動, 含一口葡萄酒用舌頭優遊地享受各種伴隨而出地口感, 很澀以及很夠勁的單寧, 但漸漸地釋放出香甜地味道, 並有著甘油地氣味, 重度的酒體, 價格極為適合當作每天伴飯的餐酒, 縱使是單獨品飲也是不錯的享受, 值得一買再買, Monastrell 則是奠定了一次印象頗深的良好口感.

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Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Deer Valley Vineyards Chardonnay 2004 - 鹿谷的白葡萄酒

Deer Valley Vineyards Chardonnay 2004
Varietal: Chardonnay
Appellation: California
Price: $1.98
Dealer: Food4Less

Content Info:
13% Alco. by Vol.

Background Story:
Lack of Data

Official Comment:
Lack of Data

Personal Comment:
Sight: Light golden color. Tears are watery and don’t last long.
Nose: Light cedar aroma.
Taste: Light dry and less depth. Table wine!!

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Sunday, March 12, 2006

Black Swan Vineyards Shiraz-Merlot 2004 - 黑天鵝

Black Swan Vineyards Shiraz-Merlot South Eastern Australia 2004
Varietal: Shiraz, Merlot
Appellation: South Eastern Australia
WS: 85
Price: $4.99
Dealer: Ralphs

Content Info:
69% Shiraz, 31% Merlot
13.5% Alco. By Vol.
Residual Sugar: 0.3 g/100mL
Acidity: 0.6g/100ml
pH: 3.42

Background Info:

Official Comment:
“Our Black Swan Shiraz-Merlot is a unique combination of Aussie favorites. The Shiraz provides dark berry flavours and hint of black pepper, while the Merlot adds sweet, ripe plum flavours and a soft, velvety mouth feel. Enjoy our Shiraz-Merlot with grilled meats and rich pastas.” - Website

WS Comment:
“Medium-bodied dark cherry and plum flavors are accented with black pepper and freshly cut herbs. A supple mouthful. Ready to drink now.”

Personal Comment:
Sight: Ruby red. Mid-size width tears.
Nose: Chocolate, smoky, and light mint herbal aromas.
Taste: Light sweet to medium dry red with short lingering. Medium-bodied. It is worthy to be considered as bulk wine for the dinner table. Taste once is enough though.

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Friday, March 10, 2006

Yellow Tail 2003 Reserve Shiraz - 袋鼠酒又來了

Yellow Tail 2003 Reserve Shiraz
Varietal: Shiraz
Appellation: Riverina, New South Wales, Australia
WA: 87
WS: 88
Price: $9.99
Dealer: WineLibrary

Content Info:
13.5% Alco. By Vol.

Background Story:

Official Comment:
“An intensely concentrated wine, the [yellow tail] Reserve Shiraz initially reveals aromas of ripe cherries, blackberries, chocolate and mocha. Delving deeper into this complex wine, cracked pepper and spice fragrance are apparent with sweet French oak aromas always present. The vanilla softness on the nose takes you into a full palate crammed with ripe fruits reminiscent of a basket of sweet summer berries. Seamless and well- structured tannins complete this full-bodied red wine.”- Website

WA Comment:
“The 2002 Shiraz The Reserve kicks it up several notches. Dense ruby-colored, richly fruity, medium to full-bodied, and silky-textured with smoky oak, this wine will provide abundant joy over ‘the next 12-24 months.’”

WS: Comment:
"Ripe and generous, not heavy but showing very ripe cherry, sweet spice and toasty oak flavors that persist on the plump finish. Drink now through 2008. 13,000 cases made." Oct 15, 2005

Personal Comment:
Sight: Medium wide of tears. Crimson red with brown rim.
Nose: Ripe, sweet, vanilla, and rich aromas. Light toasty flavors.
Taste: Smooth, slightly dry, and nice acidity. Medium-bodied. Silky-tannin taste but short on lingering. Good for smooth-preferable wine lovers.

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Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Beringer 2004 White Zinfandel - 粉紅葡萄酒伴隨的情人節

Beringer 2004 White Zinfandel
Varietal: Zinfandel
Appellation: St. Helena and Geyserville, California
Price: $1.98
Dealer: Food4Less

Content Info:
10.5% Alco. By Vol.

Background Info:

Official Comment:
When making Beringer's 2004 White Zinfandel, our focus was to highlight the fresh red berry, citrus and melon aromas and flavors and round these out with subtle hints of nutmeg and clove. The wine has a youthful exuberance that is appealing to anyone looking for an uncomplicated wine to accompany a meal.” -Ed Sbragia,

Personal Comment:
Sight: Transparent shining pink as Rose which slightly leans to be golden brown. Almost no tears. Tiny bubbles settling down in the bottom.
Nose: Apple, citrus, and tropical aromas. Feel like entire atmosphere is filled with fresh pink fascination.
Taste: Simple and easy to drink. Off-dry. Nice acidity. Low alcohol degree. This is the wine for Valentine’s date or regular date. Even you can say it is party wine. Price is super- affordable. Buy more for the later enjoyment.

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