Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Korbel NV Sparkling Brut Rouge - 紅色的汽泡酒 Rouge

Korbel NV Sparkling Brut Rouge
Varietal: Pinot Noir + Cabernet Sauvignon
Appellation: Sonoma, California
Price: $12
Dealer: Korbel Winery

Content Info:
Acidity: 65 g/100ml
12.5 % Alco. By Vol.
Residual Sugar: < 1%

Background Info:
在上次 Russian River Wine Road 2006 barrel tasting 中, 在眾多的品嘗之後, 由朋友購買了這瓶 Korbel Rouge, 這瓶Korbel的Rouge是依照傳統香檳釀製法製作而成, 有別於一般香檳汽泡酒的顏色, 它呈現的是偏紅有如紅寶石色, 應該就是 Rouge 的特色吧!!

Official Comment:
“Korbel Rouge is a medium-dry champagne created from Pinot Noir and Cabernet Sauvignon grapes. With a distinctive red color, the aroma and flavor are those of intense black cherry, strawberry and plum. Approximately 1% residual sugar keeps it as dry as the Korbel Brut but removes any tannic bitter edge. It teams perfectly with hearty pastas, red meats and robust seafood dishes. It is excellent with a holiday turkey dinner.”

Other Comment:
“ - San Diego, CA
Trying new things and opening the girlfriend up to some new tastes, I got Zardetto after reading a few reviews and was very pleased. Will definitely buy again.”
“A Customer - Virginia
We tasted this at the Korbel winery about 15 years ago, and thought it was EXCELLENT. We looked for it in liquor stores around the USA , but have never found it again. It is Definately unique and worth a try! :-)”

Personal Comment:
Sight: Ruby red with tiny sparkling. However, the bubble won’t last long.
Nose: Cherry, black currant, and floral aromas. Thick, intense, and rich flavors.
Taste: Apple, Watermelon, alcohol, light dry taste that almost leans to sweetness. This is the wine, which attracts pretty much every ladies at the night, and it also has a very lovely aroma and off-dry flavor. It is definitely worth to buy more for the wine tasting event. Cheers….
帶著紅色氣泡的 Rouge, 使得整體的呈現變得有些詭異, 有別於一般的汽泡酒, 香味中攜帶著多種樣式的風味, 像是櫻桃, 黑加崙, 以及花香味, 濃郁且緊密與豐富, 在輕嚐一口之後, 蘋果和香瓜的味道, 隨著酒精一同在味蕾上游移著, 酸澀中帶點絲絲的甜味, 深深地受到在場所有女人的歡迎, 值得多加品嘗.

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