Wednesday, October 04, 2006

BV Muscat De Beaulieu - Beaulieu Vineyard 的餐後甜酒

BV Muscat De Beaulieu
Varietal: Muscat
Appellation: Napa Dessert Wine, California
Price: $7.19
Dealer: WineLibrary

Content Info:
18% Alco. By Vol.

Background Info:
BV 全名為 Beaulieu Vineyard. 該名字的來由是這樣子的, 酒莊的創建人 Georges de Latour 為了給他的妻子 Fernande de Latour 一個驚喜, 便於1900年五月在加州 Napa Valley 的一個小鎮 Rutherford, 購置了4英畝的莊園, 女主人 Fernande de Latour 在看到這一片美麗的景色, 不自覺地用法文說出”Quel Bearlieu” – 美麗的地方, 因而決定了這家酒莊的名稱 – Beaulieu Vineyard(美麗的葡萄園), 就每年的總產量而言, 這家酒莊所生產的數量相當大, 往往在一些大型超市都可以見到 BV 的葡萄酒, 而在中高階 Napa Valley 葡萄酒的價位裡BV 的葡萄酒是屬於品質與價位相符且價格合理的一家葡萄酒莊.
參考網站: Beaulieu Vineyard

Official Comment:
"Full bodied and rich with wonderful apricot, dried figs and nut flavors. The wine is amazing for the price! Very balanced. This is a real "sleeper" from BV. Take advantage of it. Will cellar very well for 5-8 years."

Personal Comment:
Sight: Golden amber color. Sticky.
Nose: Sweet resort of honey, flower, taffy, and fresh perfume aromas.
Taste: Besides typical Muscat’s flavors, it also provides silky, and slight acidity. This is a fabulous full-bodied dessert wine. Possibly ice wine lovers can also get along with this dessert wine very well.
琥珀色澤般的金黃, 帶著有如蜂蜜濃稠般地的酒淚, 在酒香中伴隨著蜂蜜的香甜, 並有著太妃糖香味, 與清新的花香, 入口則呈現了絲綢般的細膩, 更因有著適當的酸度, 使得整體的表現更加有層次而不過度濃郁, 相信喜歡喝冰酒的人也會喜歡這瓶 Muscat de Beaulieu. 好喝易飲, 值得放幾瓶在冰箱裡好好享用. Cheers!!

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