Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Rodulf Muller Bernkasteler Kurfurstlay Kabinett 2004 - 再來一款雷絲琳

Rodulf Muller Bernkasteler Kurfurstlay Kabinett 2004
中文品名: 勃卡斯特爾-雷絲琳-卡比內甜白酒
Varietal: Riesling
Appellation: Mosel, Mosel-Saar-Ruwer, Germany
Price: $10.8
Dealer: 酒瓶子(WineLover)
Importer: 星坊

Content Info:
7.5 % Alco. By Vol.

Background Info:
Rudolf Muller 或許不是什麼知名的大酒廠, 但就瓶身的設計而言, 卻很符合 Riesling 給人清新爽口的印象, 真的是只有透過適當的包裝才能適時地表現出一定的風味.

Official Comment:
Lack of Data

Personal Comment:
Sight: Golden yellow almost light brown color.
Nose: Mineral, thin gasoline scent, ripen fruit and light floral aromas.
Taste: Slightly viscous, off-dry and proper acidity make this Riesling easy to drink and welcomed. As a company for the burning hot summer, this white is definitely pretty handy. Besides, price is also very frugal for our daily drinking basis at least in the states. Raise a glass for more!!
這是一瓶不錯的德國 Riesling 入門級酒款, 順口易飲, 價格就日常葡萄酒的飲用來說, 也是非常的合理, 在這炎炎夏日的夜晚裡, 很容易讓人一口接著一口地喝入喉中.
倒入杯中的酒液呈現出有如黃澄澄地金磚般的亮黃, 探一口香味, 礦物, 淡淡地汽油味, 以及絲絲的花香與成熟水果的風味, 緩緩地飄入鼻中而不濃郁, 在適當的酸度和甜度的陪襯之下, 不會讓人很興奮但也決不會人失望, 飲一口之後, 再看一眼杯內的酒液, 在手中的搖晃之下, 似乎更加的黏稠與香醇.

飲葡萄酒的歷史, 又翻開新的一頁...


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